Marche Du Film at the Cannes Film Festival. May 2022

Cannes Next hosted a panel on Virtual Production where myself, Valerie Johnson-Redrow, Brad Blackbourn and host Joan Da Silva were invited to discuss our experiences with Virtual Production. An article on the talk can be found here.

Epic Games, Meet Someone Unreal. July 2021

Broadcast Magazine Article. December 2023

I was one of five experts to comment on Virtual Production and it’s benefits for Broadcast Magazine. The full article can be found here

Mundos Digitales Keynote, A Coruna. July 2023

I was invited to deliver the keynote speech with a focus on Virtual Production and new technologies in VFX. The festival is one of the biggest VFX events of the calendar year in Spain. An article in the local newspaper about my experience can be found here.

Broadcast Tech Innovation Awards, Participated as a Judge. November 2023

I was invited to take part as a judge in the 2023 Broadcast Tech Innovation Awards. An article can be found here.

Metaverse Summit, The New Film Value Chain: Innovation from Production to Distribution. July 2022

PICTURE THIS_ Nordisk Film. October 2022

Black Nights Film Festival, Talin. November 2022

Geneva International Film Festival. November 2022

I was invited to speak on the topic of Virtual Production for the Geneva International Film Festival for part of their special program on the subject. The video can be found here.

TedX – VR is More than a Vision. November 2016

I was invited to talk at TedX Clerkenwell on behalf of AVR London to looking into virtual reality and it’s emotive capabilities.

The focus was: We increasingly perceive the world through digital lenses, new technologies are capable of accessing our emotional and physical capacity in more complex ways. What potentials could come through Virtual Reality and the feelings and sense of space it creates?

make Architects – Potentials of Virtual Reality. July 2016

Virtual Reality in architecture practices is increasing exponentially. With AVR London, I was invited down to talk at make Architects about the potentials of converting to virtual reality and how this could build on other modern visualisation and design processes. The talk was streamed across to their offices in Singapore.


Guest Lecturing

I have delivered guest lectures to Universities such as De Montfort and Teeside University on my career and Real-time technologies.

Teeside University